COP27 Delegation

Despite the obstacles inherent in getting to Sharm el-Sheikh and organising events there, Climate Alliance was present at COP27 with a small delegation consisting of serveral European Secretariat staff and Climate Alliance President Andreas Wolter. These ambassadors were on the ground to make the voices of European municipalities heard. True to the network's commitment to fighting for climate justice in partnership with indingeous communities, Climate Alliance was also able to make the participation of several NGO and indigenous representatives possible this year. Here is what some of the delegates had to say.

Impressions of Climate Alliance Ambassadors to COP27

Andreas Wolter

Mayor of the City of Cologne, Germany

"The more urgent the reduction of CO2 emissions becomes, the more important it becomes for cities and towns to work together to implement effective climate protection measures and replace fossil fuels. Binding municipal resolutions on our climate targets are of greater importance in practice than international recommendations."

Silke Lunnebach

Climate Alliance Project Coordinator

"Not much remained of the COP27 motto "Together for Implementation" in Sharm el-Sheikh. Tragically, the final document does not mention a single word about the urgent phase-out of fossil fuels. This makes it increasingly difficult to keep to the 1.5 degree target. The only positive thing: A global fund for loss and damage has finally been agreed for the benefit of those that have contributed little to the climate crisis but are most affected by its effects."

Max Beijneveld

Climate Alliance EU Policy coordinator

"The vulnerable are paying the price of the climate crisis. Countries like Pakistan are being flooded. The poor in Europe are unable to keep warm. The brave indigenous peoples are fighting our unquenchable thirst for land. These events lay bear the unfairness of our fossil fuel addiction. The recent loss and damage fund is just a symbolic gesture. Putting a stop to the billions of subsidies still keeping fossil fuels afloat would be the real gift."

Milton S. Callera Nacaim

General Coordinator of the binational Organisation of the Achuar people of Ecuador and Peru (COBNAEP)

"COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh has allowed us to unite indigenous communities and civil society in raising our voices before the the world’s governments. Together, we pointed to the violation of our rights as well as those of the environment and provided alternative proposals for the protection and conservation of forests so as to combat the climate change that affects us all."

Ana Abraham

Activist at Let India Breathe

"I am glad to see that a loss and damage fund has finally been adopted. However, it is saddening that finance for adaptation and mitigation has not gained the same momentum. Every passing day without real ambition and action takes us further lrom the 1.5 degree goal. I will continue advocating for climate adaptation and a real zero goal while fighting against the false solutions and unsustainable development that puts communities at risk."

Michelle Benzing

Mercator Fellow of International Affairs

"Civil society held the those responsible for the climate crisis accountable at the COP27 climate conference in Sharm El-Sheikh with powerful protests. Activists demanded climate finance for loss and damage, debt relief, human rights protection, demilitarisation and gender justice. We will continue to stand, in solidarity, for climate justice and to ensure that the perspectives of the most marginalised people are brought to the centre of the negotiating table!"

The delegation

The following people made up this year's Climate Alliance delegation. A heartfelt thanks to all of you for making the voices of European cities, indigenous peoples and civil society representatives heard!

Climate Alliance main delegation
Andreas Wolter
, Mayor of the City of Cologne, Germany; Silke Lunnebach, Climate Alliance Project Coordinator; Max Beijneveld, Climate Alliance EU Policy coordinator

Indigenous and NGO ambassadors supported by Climate Alliance
Milton S. Callera Nacaim
, General Coordinator of the binational Organisation of the Achuar people of Ecuador and Peru (COBNAEP); Alana Manchineri, Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB); Elcio Severino da Silva Machineri, Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB); Ana Abraham, Activist at Let India Breathe; Michelle Benzing, Mercator Fellow of International Affairs; Ariadne Papatheodorou, Climate justice youth activist and Fridays for Future organiser, Greece; Angela Mendes, Comitê Chico Mendes, Acre, Brazil